December 7, 2006
Jolly Grant, Dehra (India)

On a day when I failed to make it to the ‘hardly-known’ Pari Tibba (the infamous burnt/haunted hill), the day ended with a pleasant meeting with one of my all-time favorite authors, Ruskin Bond.

On our way to Lal Tibba, we saw Ruskin standing on the narrow lane outside his Ivy Cottage in Landour area. He greeted us with a heart-warming smile and invited us (me and my father) upstairs. My father was very much surprised by how humble such a famous person can be. We sat and talked for a while in his sitting room. As expected it was full of books, old photographs, and the aroma that is ever present in his stories.

Although my main purpose of visiting Mussoorie was to meet Ruskin, I almost would have missed by him if his lunch company hadn’t been late. He was enjoying the Himalayan peaks from the narrow road when we drove up and stopped by the roadside. He said that someone was supposed to pick him up for lunch, but was running late. And lo! Before I could say another word, he invited us to come up for a while to have a chat. I told him that I have been reading his stories for almost 15 years and how I’d always wanted to meet the person whose pen could churn out words so simple, yet heartfelt.

We sat and chatted for a while before a magazine called him from Bombay, wanting to know his 5 favorite Authors. At the end, I asked him to recite a poem and autograph his book, “The Rupa Book of Ruskin Bond’s Himalayan Tales”. I knew that he loved the old American Opera music of Eddy Nelson and Jeanette McDonald, so I had taken their music collection with me from the States, which I presented to him.

To view the photos from my visit, click here

Here is his address:

Comments So Far..
  • Vedha 21 August, 2012 at 6:16 am

    hello gautam….
    frankly speaking, i am positively jealous of you…what can you expect?!you’ve met my idol!i have been searching left right and center for his contact details, and i know you have received a lot of requests for this, but can you please email me his number? And by the way, thanks a bunch for his address…

    if you do decide to email me, my id is-

  • Uma 26 October, 2012 at 9:48 am

    It was a treat to see Ruskin Bond reciting poetry, talking to people, and the beautiful memorabilia displayed!
    Thanks for sharing

  • Uma 26 October, 2012 at 9:56 am

    I have been an ardent fan of Ruskin Bond from my very young age, since I started reading his poems in Imprint journal that we subscribed. After moving away from India it was not possible to read his poems. Thanks to the internet, we are again “Bond”ing with the works!

  • Shubhra 17 December, 2012 at 2:50 am

    Can you please mail me his contact number, I would like to meet him..

  • jenny roxehill 22 January, 2013 at 8:39 pm

    Ruskin is a good guy.I live in Houston ,its been a couple days I came
    in India to visit my pals and most of the books i read is about Ruskin Bond and I feel he has taken place of the best auther

  • Medha 28 February, 2013 at 1:14 am

    Hi Gautam

    Your account of a meeting with Mr Bond is a heart warming read. My friends and I are planning a trip to Landour this March with the special hope of meeting him. Even though your post is quite old I still hope you’ll see this comment and be kind enough to send us
    Mr. Bond’s phone number soon. The id is



  • Pushkaraj 6 March, 2013 at 3:06 am

    Dear Gautam,
    You have done amazing work……just one humble request can you send me Mr Bond’s postal address I want to write to him …….please do the needfull thanks in advance!!!

  • sharvanee 29 March, 2013 at 12:37 am

    Thank u for the address!!!

  • sharvanee 29 March, 2013 at 12:39 am

    Thank u for the address!!!!

  • […] Journey Into A Poets Heart With Ruskin Bond […]

  • harsha agarwalla 12 September, 2013 at 4:14 pm

    Hi Gautam,
    I m from kolkata and actually need your help.I want to meet him.He is my favourite writer.I have searched many websites and called various times i think may be helpful for me….But,its all worthless.So,at last i found ur blog and thought that you can help me in bringing my dream come true.So, i beg you please provide me with the contact details,address and kindly mail me at

  • Kavya phophalia 13 November, 2013 at 6:35 pm

    Ruskin bond for me is everything. I guess in whatever pain I’m , I at once get relieved when I see his smiling face and read his books that I have treasured for yrs. can u share his phone no and address to me . I really wish to write him. I guess half of my journey will be done then. I luv him. Gautam ur seriously so lucky to meet a great man like him. I wish that day soon turn up for me as well. Pls help me

  • Gautam 13 November, 2013 at 6:46 pm

    Hey Kavya…sent you his phone number.

  • Jina 2 December, 2013 at 2:38 pm

    I did not even ventured close to any of the authors who had specialty for action oriented gadget device kind of novels. I thought the name was enough Ruskin Bond. But, one day my niece whose birthday is on May26th demanded me for a Ruskin Bond’s novel. I was amazed how can a girl of 10 would be interested in this genre, But, I went to a book shop and started searching for his novels. I learnt that time a very big lesson that you should never judge any book by its cover. And, thanks to my niece.. From that day on I was Bond’s fan. Every story hooked me, I lived with every narration and visualized myself in the mountains, flowers and fresh air. I still have to fulfill my inner most desire of meeting him. I sincerely love him. He is the most fascinating author of all times. God bless you Bond.

  • raju 11 January, 2014 at 1:45 am

    Hi Gautamji, I saw the picture you had with Mr. Ruskin Bond. It seems two inner happy, calm, humble and adventurous people who wants to spend their life with nature. Great detailed pictures.

  • Yogesh Sharma 1 March, 2014 at 4:07 am

    Gautam ji – Would highly appreciate if I could get Mr Bond’s contact as well, Loved the video, cant tell you how happy I am just watching it and reading about your meeting. Sitting here thousands of miles away in London, and reading a collection of his short stories ,it takes me back in time to my school days in Dehradun..Rusty is still my favourite. Would eagerly wait for your reply. Thanks

  • Gautam 1 March, 2014 at 8:50 am

    Sent you the phone on your email, Yogesh!

  • Utkarsh Pandey 26 March, 2014 at 6:29 pm

    Loved your description. I also adhere the secret desire of meeting this great personality whom i had spent my childhood with. Would highly appreciate if I could get Mr Bond’s contact, Gautam.


  • Vivi 10 April, 2014 at 8:19 pm

    Dear Gautam ji,

    i am a wrier… i visted Mr. Bond in July 2006 n was regularly in touch with him, wishing him on his birthday, etc…Unfortunately i lost his contact when i lost my mobile…Could u plss email me his Phone Numbr? i am dying to talk to him…Thanks a zillion

  • himani 16 April, 2014 at 12:25 am

    hi Gautam…i’m a sufferer of vertical eye nystagmus …
    my life has been very adventurous to me ..i have a lot to share with Ruskin Sir …as it’s my dream …i want him to put down story of my heroic life on paper ….Brother ..! could you please mail me all possible contact details of Ruskin Sir soon as possible !

  • Gautam 16 April, 2014 at 10:10 pm

    Utkarsh, Vivi, Himani..just emailed you.

  • Vivi 17 April, 2014 at 4:36 pm

    Yes u did, Gautam…there’s no response on dat number…never mind…ur large-heartedness in sharing ur Bond with Bond is much appreciated…n God bless u with His Love n Light!

    i’ve written an article on Mr. Bond for d May issue of the mag i m d editor of…Wud love to post it to u. Plss give me ur mailing address.

  • Vibha 18 April, 2014 at 10:58 pm

    Dear Gautam,

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful interview. I am planning to visit Mussourie specially to meet Mr Ruskin Bond. I will be grateful if you could share his phone number with me as well. My email ID is

    I will look forward to your email.


  • saumya 19 April, 2014 at 7:37 pm

    i am in love with mr bond it would be really nice of you to send me his contacts

  • air commodore vsyadav 27 April, 2014 at 10:58 am

    Im a lecturer in English and ive read plenty of books by ruskin bond wen i was in school.I cried a lot wen i read love is a sad song .
    Infact i wanted to marry ruskin bond and my friends still make fun of me foe dat. thought i still cherish dat desire bt i know he wil refuse my proposal bt if i meet him i wud try once wen i meet him which i want to very badly. if i fail to meet him before its tooo late i think i will take this guilt to my grave hoping to meet him sand ya also his family
    i wish him all d luck

  • air commodore vsyadav 27 April, 2014 at 11:07 am

    I had met Ruskin at the Work Study Armed forces at Mussourie in 1992 when we were both invited for thier local function, we talked of our rivalry schools he being from bishop cotton and i being from sanawar. i am very keen to meet him if his phone, e mail id or his address can be forwarded, will be greatful
    thankyou and regards

  • Gautam 27 April, 2014 at 11:09 am

    Hi vsyadav ji..I’ve sent you his phone number. He is a gentle and a pure Himalayan soul and stays away from computers 🙂
    Hope you meet him !!

  • Ajay Singh Khampa 27 May, 2014 at 5:51 pm

    Hi Gautam,
    Can you also email me his telephone number ### ? I want to meet him and know where he lives as well however, I don’t want to disturb him and want to seek his permission before arriving on his doorstep.

  • Raja McGee 7 June, 2014 at 5:47 pm

    Dear Mr Gautam,
    Greetings from the Calcutta Boys’ School, Kolkata. It was nice to see your video and know about Mr Ruskin Bond. Being a fan of his writings I would like to contact him. Is it possible to get his phone/ landline number. Kindly send us info. ASAP. Will remain forever grateful.
    With sincere thanks,
    Raja McGee
    Principal & secretary

  • aanchal 8 June, 2014 at 11:05 pm

    lovely pictures of his house and thanks a lot for the address

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