More Than Yesterday

I have been listening to Slim Whitman for about last 9 years or so since the day I stumbled upon his CD back in my college days. I cherish his yodeling and his mellow, romantic and clean-cut songs. His yodeling reminded me of the Hindi singer Kishore Kumar when I first heard his songs. This is one of Slim’s lesser known songs, probably from the 50s. Slim is also one of the few singers who plays Guitar left-handed due to an accident in which he lost 2 of his fingers.
This is probably my last recording in Michigan as I take off on Friday the 22nd to join Google in Mountain View, California! After spending almost 7.5 years in Michigan, it will be quite a change to live on the West Coast, but I’m excited and raring to go (can hardly wait for the free Google food )
This song is an answer to someone and I hope the questioner finds the answer in this song. Here is the MP3.
You’re asking if I love you
And if my love’s sincere
I love you more than yesterday
And less than tomorrow dear
You’re wondering if I’ll want you
To always hold you near
I want you more than yesterday
And less than tomorrow dear
More than yesterday less than tomorrow
My heart sings a love song the angels would borrow
You’re doubting that I need you
To kiss away my tears
I need you more than yesterday
And less than tomorrow dear
This is how I love you
For ever and a year
I love you more than yesterday
And less than tomorrow dear.
I have not listened to the original version but I’m sure it could not be much better.
Commenting on your introductory words, remember an ole man’s advice; a woman’s love can be as uplifting as it could be down turning. Always trust your woman first and then maintain that trust in yourself. Life is too sweet and short to be nursing doubts. Love that grows out of mutual trust and respect is unmatched. And also remember kid, after this beautiful world of ours, woman is the best last living being created by God and a gift to mankind. Else, you and me would still be hunting for food with a stone axe on our shoulders.
You still owe me a song!!
Love is ever lasting. The more you love the more you have to love. That is the nature of love in this world. So, naturally today’s love is less than tomorrow’s love! In this song your guitar music is better than previous ones, I feel! Tunes of this kind perhaps suits you better, I think. Please keep it up on and on!
As always…a spirit lifting rendition of yours with equally beautiful strumming. Thanks a lot to your Dad too who gave such an beautiful and deep advice to you. All the best to you in your future endeavours.
May sages guide you.
Keep Strumming.
Hi Gautam,
Well done … you should take up singing and performing – if you have not yet done so 🙂 … good singing voice, good flexing of voice and of course really good accompanying strumming … great, nothing to complain about 🙂
I am a long-time fan of Slim Whitman – yes! on this faraway tropic island of Borneo off the South China Sea – been collecting his vinyl “LP” records in my young days (I am 55+ now 😉 (that’s how I ended up tonite at your site here – and as you may notice, I been at your site listening for I think well over half-hour
Wherever life takes you, songs such as Slim’s, can be a comfort and motivation for us … they lift up the spirit as Ashwini indicated above … and we can even find strength in them
Thanks Mr Chai. I’m indeed a fan of Slim’s style and songs, which are simple yet outstanding. I first ran into his music in 2001 when I heard the yodelling song “There’s a raindrop in every teardrop”.
Thanks for coming by and keep listening 🙂
Beautiful rendition of this lovely song. i went online to get the words & finished up on this site. This song takes me back to long ago when a group of us would sit around singing this song & other’s like it….thanks for restoring some of those lovely memories. Pat
Just awesome. Thank you Anupamji for great respect to all ladies on the earth.