You & You Alone

Here is by far the best work by Justin and I. This is a song that I wrote for my brother and my sister-in-law on their wedding anniversary earlier this year. The original music is by Brandon, which was slightly modified by Justin to suit the lyrics (which were also modified slightly from the original words). Justin sang and also did a commendable job on his 12-string Guitar. I did the fingerpicking on my 6-string and sang the chorus and fill-in parts. Click on the play button (double click in Internet Explorer) to start the song.
[audio:]If you’re having issues with the player, click here for the MP3.
So many years have passed since I
I held you close to me
So many days have passed
Still there’s none like thee
We’ve come far since we met
Still you said you’ll stay
Forever and ever till the end
Till the stars all fade away
Though it’s been so long
Darlin’, this I know
When my eyes can see no more
You’d be there to show
The light in your eyes
When the shadows fall
And so I sing for you my love
You and you alone
The beat of my heart my everything
Yes, I swear I’ll stay
By your side till the end of time
Till the stars all fade away
You and you alone
There were times
When we grew apart
Guess we were too young
Except inside our hearts
Deep inside Dear, I knew it all
I’d be there for you, should you ever fall
You are still the one
You and you alone.
Written: Gautam Dhar, 7th March 2006
Recorded: 12th November, 2006
Composed by: Brandon Bautista
Vocals & Lead Guitar: Justin Meese
Fingerpicking on Guitar: Gautam Dhar
Amazing work on the composition man , sweet melody
[…] Happy birthday today to Gautam (AKA Rusty), who’s currently on a flight somewhere between here and India. Check out his site for an updated version of the song we recorded a few weeks back. […]
I felt like you guys were singing this to me! Very good. Keep on making music.
Beautiful….simply beautiful
The lyrics are wonderful, sweet and loving
The melody soft and floating
Can’t wait to hear more from you guys
this piece was delightful…to say the least…came over from your soundclick site..too good man!!!
will keep coming back for more…
I would have cried if someone sang this song at my wedding =(
What beautiful lyrics.
Lovely song!
Your brother and sister-in-law are surely lucky!
Well! I remember reading n hearing this before … correct me if I am wrong 🙂
oops! Or was it some other song? Dedicated to your brother and sister-in-law?
Sorry! That confused me *blush*