Maha Shivratri

Maha Shivratri or Shivratri (Night of Shiv) is a Hindu festival celebrated every year on the 14th day in the Krishna Paksha of the month Phalguna in the Hindu Calendar. The most significant practices on this day are offerings of Bael (Bilva) leaves to the Lord Shiv, fasting and all night long vigil. For believers,…

Overseas Citizenship of India

Although my site has nothing to do with Politics or Diplomacy, I wanted to share some information about the so-called Dual Citizenship or Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI), which is available to Indians living abroad. Of course there are certain criteria that have to be met by the applicant(s). Initially I received some overwhelmingly intimidating…

Flying For Me

I have been teaching myself a few John Denver’s songs lately, which I’ll put up here shortly. As a tribute to John, I am putting up the video of a song he wrote in 1986 as a Tribute to the entire of the Challenger Space Shuttle that disintegrated shortly after take off on 28th January…

Peaceful Waters

Today was a black Tuesday for India, especially Bombay – where up to 8 serial Bomb blasts in commuter trains tore apart the daily lives of many people and killed up to/more than 200 people. Counting is still on. Although God has a plan for the world and each one must play a part according…

The Killing Fields

I watched “The Killing Fields” last night, which is based on the civil war that killed almost 3 million people in Cambodia in the 70s. Here is a clip from the end of the movie, which features the famous John Lennon optimistic number, “Imagine”. Haing S. Ngor, who played Dith Pran was a physician (obstetrics)…

Gloomy Sunday – It Goes On

After my previous article a few people have contacted me about the song asking about it. I went back and did further research on the song and was able to acquire some other versions of the song. The Original Hungarian song was written (translated) in English by two different people, Sam Lewis and Desmond Carter….

Gloomy Sunday

Gloomy Sunday–popularly known as the “Suicide Song”. I remember reading about it in an “Unsolved Mysteries” books when I was about 14 years old. I had forgotten about it in all these years until someone I know sent me the song recently. It was written by Rezso Seress, a Hungarian songwriter, in 1933. The crushing…

Human Beings

I remember reading this article back in 2004 and it kept me disturbed for a long time. I even contacted the Editor asking of ways to help out, but never got a response. I found that email in my archives this morning and it just brought some things back. The Tribune is Haryana/Punjab’s Newspaper in…

For F

Sometimes you hear someone say something and it just stays with you. I remember this from a movie I saw once. “The old dreams were good dreams. They never came true, but I’m glad I had them…” Here is a poem called “For F” by Lord Byron (which I saw in the same movie). It…