Swami Ram: Guidance & Practice

I wish everyone a Christmas that will bestow divine blessings and peace. Here is a very informative excerpt as Swami Rama, the Himalayan Sage talks about Guidance and Practice of Yoga Meditation. Click on the play button to hear it in his voice. Here is the MP3 of the recording. Right click and then click on “save as..”
[audio:http://gdhar.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/srguidance24.mp3]Sometimes, guidance helps. That’s for sure.
When you are not successful, in completing, accomplishing what you want, after making efforts, then somebody whom you trust, who really is selfless, who doesn’t charge fee all these, for these things,
…you should sit and say, This is my problem–can you help me?
If he is a good teacher, he’ll say well, if it’s within my field, I will. If it is not within my field, I am sorry, you should find out somewhere, or you go to such and such person. It becomes easy.
I give you practices–you never come and see me, never tell me, what the problem is. I ask you How are you doing?Fine. Even you are sick, you call Fine, you see.
Now, perhaps I can help you, serve you. I help you means serve you. It benefits me instead of benefiting you, you see.
My master always used to say, Highest of culture, peak of the culture of human civilization is that, when every human being likes to work for others, then the whole world will have a society of joyous people.
Unfortunate thing is everyone, all of us, are selfish. A teacher is selfish. He wants something from the students. He looks at the pockets of the students.
And the students look at the teacher to know, but never practice. Sheer curiosity, I want to know more.
You want to know more, but how about practising?
That guarantee I cannot give, sir.
Hey bro i wish to know a bit about the reality of the blot imposed on swami ram of his sexual abuse on his students. I personally dun feel them to be true bt it seems u know a lot about him can u please assure me … ! So that i can be in peace about this true yogi!
You will find all kinds of things on the Internet even dating all the way back to Swami Vivekananda days and perhaps even Ramakrishna Paramhans. Some of them are even funny. If you search for it, you’ll find anything even some calling these saints son of Devil.
The thing to realize is where you want to channel your energy. The truth will only come from direct experience, not from me saying something or reading through blogs or websites of people making their claims. If you’re sincere, you’ll find what you seek. If it’s sheer curiosity, you’ll run into many things and won’t know what to believe.