Again, I’m out on the road
Looking for my way
Again, I kept inside
Things she thought I’d say

And now it’s too late, yeah
This world has moved on
Tears in my eyes have gone dry
Lord, it’s been so long
When she looked in my eyes
And promised she’d never say goodbye

Again, I don’t know why
Why I lost my way
Again, I’ve lost it all
Hoping yeah someday

And now well she is gone, yeah
There’s nothing left for me
Crying every night, oh till dawn
If she could only see
How I loved her so
She’d understand my love song

If you see her, please
Won’t you say that I
I’m sorry and I hope
She’ll come home, Again.

Gautam Dhar
15 November 2005
Lansing MI

Comments So Far..
  • Arti 28 October, 2006 at 4:35 am

    Hi Gautam!

    I visited ur page after a long time and I LOVE the change I see here.
    You have really done a very good job friend!

    “I believe the best way to touch someone’s heart is through your words.”
    I believe in the same 🙂

    Abt this poem …
    It is touching and “Straight from the heart!”


  • T A RAMESH 19 April, 2007 at 2:42 pm

    After departing and after a long time how are you both going to meet together once again? It is rare and if it so happens, it will be a rare thing in the world.

    This reminds me of the Movie Dr. Zhivago I saw in 1967. In Dr. Zhivago there is a song of this kind of departure. I remember it goes like…. Some where, my Love, there will be songs to sing;
    Those are the days, we cherish most in our memory
    ……. …….. ……… …….. ……
    something like that. But I don’t rememeber it completely. If you hear that song, perhaps you will like it very much. Please try, if you can. It is most wonderful and most moving.

    There they actually meet once again. Again they depart due to Russian Revolution. Afterwards they don’t. It’s moving movie. That somewhere my love song is wonderful and best one I heard then.

    Again let us meet afterwards, friend.


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