I wrote a Nazm last night on the theme of reflections of life. It’s probably autobiographical like most of my writings. Hope you mates like it!

Wahshat ki siyaahi se likhtaa hoon geet goya
Aagosh me ho tum hai ik dhun meri zubaan par
Rota hai ab bhi shaayad kaafir meri fugaan par

These three lines, if you don’t know Urdu may not make any sense. I’ll explain in simple words:
“..from the ink of loneliness i write a song AS IF (goya)
you’re in my arms and a tune is on my lips..”
In the third line, I come back and start talking to myself and say
“Perhaps that beloved (kaafir) still weeps/sighs on listening to the cries (fugaan) of my heart.”

Comments So Far..
  • akaul 30 October, 2007 at 12:35 pm

    aap yoo hi liktey raho
    siyahi khatam na ho
    kaafir padta hi rahey
    fugaan par rota rahey

  • raju 29 March, 2014 at 8:49 pm

    No words to explain the effect of your Nazm. Thanks for your translation…..Om

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