Ground Control to Major Tom

During Secret Life of Walter Mitty that I was watching last night, this David Bowie song “Space Oddity” comes on where Kristen Wiig comes on screen and plays it on Guitar for Walter to motivate him. As Varuna is doing her Basic Mountaineering Course (BMC) at Himalayan Mountaineering Institute (HMI), I thought of recording a verse for her on my Fender Guitar this morning..
This goes out to you, Doc and hope it inspires you to keep climbing and trekking and do your best in your course!
Lyrics (slight modification):
Ground control to Major Tom.. Ground control to Major Tom:
Take your Revital and put your helmet on
Ground control to Major Tom: Commencing BMC, You’re On!
Check those knots well and may God’s love be with you
This is ground control to Major Tom, you’ve really made the grade!
And the people want to know just how you fare
now it’s time to leave the base if you dare
This is Major Tom to ground con-trol, I’m stepping through the door
And I’m climbing in the most peculiar way
and the mountains look different today
Ground control to Major Tom: Commencing BMC, You’re On!
Check your gear well and may God’s love be with you
Hats off to you Dr. Varunaji. Great supportive song Sir!!