She Didn’t Say Goodbye

I wrote Goodbye back in June 2004 on a lazy summer afternoon while I was on phone with my friend Meena. I think Nikhil originally came up with this tune back in January 2007 last year. Here is a version he recorded today. The intro melody begins with D minor (the saddest chord!), and walks from C, A# to A. Some of the lyrics were left out on purpose and slightly modified by Nikhil to match the music. Enjoy!
Here is the MP3 of the song.
On a day so dark when the sky’s so low
I wonder deep if she’ll ever know
So here’s to a dream so high and dry
Will I ever know why she didn’t say goodbye
So bring me a glass of red wine
Let me sing to a love that was once mine
But words don’t come no matter how I try
And I’ll never know why she didn’t say goodbye
It’s been such a long time
Oh when she sang my love’s lost chime
But she went away like seasons in the sky
And the birds above lost all their rhymes
But times that I knew seem lost in time
And I’ll never know why she didn’t say goodbye.
Lyrics: Gautam Dhar, Meena | Music & Vocals: Nikhil Gupta
Its a wonderfully written song – Credits to Gautam and Meena
A song lies sleeping until good music gives it home and a voice presents it to people. Great work Nikhil Babua 😀
First things first.
Nikhil looks very smart.
Much smarter than I saw him last.
The lyrics and tune compliment each other with their beauty.
The voice is the icing.
Keep it up young boys.
the future world is all yours!!
beautifully composed 🙂
Thanks Papa, Yes Nikhil is moving up in the world!. Thanks Rashmi 😀
very nice guys! I always look forward to your new work… everytime I hear something I am always impressed. Great style…
Mahalo Justin! This was a good tune by Nik. Hope you’ve been massaging your steel. I WILL BE BACK!
Good lyrics indeed…but have to say..the music is makes it far better….high pitch bahut hi acchi tarike se sambhala hai…great work all three of you….